


El Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Valencia desarrolla principalmente las gestiones de los programas de movilidad internacionales, con el fin de favorecer la movilidad de los estudiantes y profesores del centro, y contribuir a la internacionalización de los estudios musicales y a la consolidación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior.

El contacto con el Departamento se realizará a través del correo electrónico al Coordinador del Departamento Erasmus:

Horario de atención: miércoles de 16:30 a 17:30
Despacho Relaciones Internacionales, 1ª planta
Tel : 961206970

IMPORTANT INFORMATION for INCOMING students for the Spring term.

Dear all, you are very welcome to apply for the second term at our Conservatoire. If you would like to apply, please complete the following Google form with the following information and documents:


Host institution and Erasmus code.

E-mail address.

Field of studies (violin, viola, cello, voice, etc.)

Link(s) to your video(s) or scores.


DEADLINE: October 15th, 2024

Please remember that the Spring term starts on February 1st, 2025 and ends on June 30th, 2025.


HarMA HUB (2023-2025)


HarMA HUB is a three-year cooperation partnership project funded by the European Union and coordinated by Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles. The project, targeting teachers, students and researchers in music theory, builds up on the outcomes developed within the first edition (HarMA+, 2020-2023) by gathering music theory resources in an online open platform, fostering research and pedagogical innovation, and striving for a certain level of harmonisation of the academic offer at European level.

HarMA HUB objective

Overall, the main objective of HarMA HUB is to bring together the community of music theory within Higher Music Education institutions at the European level, with the purpose of modernising practices and giving access to the latest knowledge and innovations in this specific field. In the long term, the project will allow a common reflection on the place of music theory as part of the training of future musicians.

The following set of targeted activities will be implemented:

Development of an online platform with resources, such as a music analysis repository, an EU bibliography and a multilingual terms glossary, which will serve as reference tools for teachers and students;

Implementation of two intensive training programmes: one for teachers and one for students, in order to share pedagogical practices and foster innovation;

Development of a peer-reviewed journal in music theory, in order to support research on music theory topics;

Implementation of two dissemination events targeting Higher Music Education institutions in Europe, and a final Conference framed as an international meeting for music theory faculties.

HarMA HUB partners

Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, Belgium (leading partner)

Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem, Hungary

Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, Estonia

Akademia Muzyczna im. Stanislawa Moniuszki w Gdansku, Poland

Conservatorio Superior de Música Joaquín Rodrigo, Spain

Association Europeenne des Conservatoires, Academies de Musique et Musikhaochschulen AISBL, Belgium


CSMV’s role

CSMV is in charge of organizing the seminar that will take place in Valencia on April 14-16, 2025. During this seminar, participants from all around Europe will gather to listen to the most outstanding experts on musical theory and analysis and will also discuss the analysis on a certain piece of music previously submitted (“Evocación”, from Book 1 of Iberia by Isaac Albéniz).


To know more about the HarMA HUB project, please do not hesitate to contact Salvatore Gioveni, HarMA HUB project founder at


Guía informativa:

Movilidad de estudiantes OUT 2024-2025
Procedimiento para solicitud Erasmus OUT 2024-2025
Formulario de inscripción

Alumnado interesado en efectuar una movilidad Erasmus: ya os podéis inscribir en el formulario. Consultad previamente las Guías Informativas. Fecha límite: viernes 1 de diciembre 2023.




ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education)

EPS (Erasmus Policy Statement)